Practicalities et registration > General informationTo attend the conference, it is mandatory to register (link "registration" on the left panel). The registration is free and open to all, members and non members of ICARUS. ICARUS' philosophy is to foster scholarly and professional collaboration through personal engagement and contacts. Therefore the whole conference is meant to be "in real life" and participants are expected to come to Paris. Obviously all sessions will be accessible online. For ICARUS members, hotel accomodations have been pre-booked and mobility grants will be attributed along our usual policies. To book an accomodation on campus, a few meters away from the conference center, you may contact Mrs Aziliz DAJOUX (<< aziliz [dot] dajoux [at] breakandhome [dot] com >>, with the code "icarus-28" and your preferred date of arrival and departure. |
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