′Towards eGovernance. eCivil Status within the National Archives of Romania (eANR)′ Project. Towards Good Governance, respect and promotion of fundamental freedoms
Codruta Mihailovici  1@  
1 : Phd student SNSPA (archivist-palaeographer at The National Archives of Romania)

The increasing interest of people for the past, for finding the roots, has always led to a keen need for information. It is why the (cultural) documentary heritage has an unquestionable importance in close connection to the present. The need to know the history of a state, or event, is high, but of your own, is definitely higher. That's the reason why the genealogical archive may be regarded as one of the most significant resource for individuals.

Considering that There is no point in preservation unless it leads to access (UNESCO Recomandation, 2015), the memory institutions shall endeavour to enlarge the access to documents, by taking benefits from the new technology and functioning in a digital age. The race for the digitisation of the archival content, especially in this contemporary pandemic situation, which enables remote research and democratization of access, is on high speed.

In alignment with the Digital Agenda for Europe, in September 2014, the Romanian authorities issued the National Strategy on Digital Agenda for Romania, which sets the lines of action in fields as eGovernment, Open Data, eEducation, eCulture, digital services etc. This Strategy reiterates the idea that the cultural and creative industries represent ‘a driver for significant changes in lifestyle and progress' and the digital technologies radically transform the people's approach to creativity and culture. In order to furfill the goals of the national strategy, the National Archives of Romania has developed and followed it's own institutional Strategy (2015-2021) which sets, as one of the five specific targets, the enhancing of the capacity for coordination and administration of the Romanian digital archival heritage.

Among its initiatives in this field, one of the high interest for Romanians but also, for the foreigners, is the project of digitizing the civil status archive, prior 1918, in order to provide public access for more than 9,5 milion pages of civil status registers, from all over the country. Towards eGovernment. eCivil Status within the National Archives of Romania (eANR) is a long-awaited project as the lack of this type of sources made almost impossible the genealogical research in Romania. Besides the interest for the ancestors, several other professionals interests (notaries, lawyers, courts) were impeded.

Willing to achieve the prerequisites for a Good Administration and a Good Governance, the main principles for a sustainable developement of the society, the National Archives of Romania aims to provide a quick, easy and free of charge online access to the historical civil status information presearved. In doing so, the individuals' right to freedom of expression, freedom of information, access to culture and e-Government applications are on the right track.

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