Use case analysis of Enterprise Content Management system adoption at the National Library and Archives of United Arab Emirates
Forget Chaterera-Zambuko  1@  
1 : Sorbonne University Abu dhabi

In efforts to enhance its digital records infrastructure, the National Library and Archives of the United Arab Emirates adopted one of the excellent Enterprise Content Management system (ECMs) on the market, Alfresco. As business operations of many institutions go virtual, large amounts of digital records and assets are inevitably created. The long-term preservation, accessibility and useability of these digital assets require the use of appropriate digital records infrastructure such as ECMs, Enterprise Resources Planning systems (ERPs), and cloud computing amongst others. The foucs of this paper is on ECMs as they can intergrate the digital records keeping needs of an institution. Using the case of the National Library and Archives of UAE, this paper seeks to illustrate the steps that can be follwed in adopting and implementing an ECM. The paper also offers an overview of ECMs functionalities based on how Alfresco was implemented at the National Library and archives of UAE. The intention is to draw lessons that can guide other institutions intending to adopt ECMs as part of ther digital records keeping strategy. Additionally, the paper also seeks to establish the level of integration between the adopted ECMs and other business systems already existing in the orgnaization. 


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