Topotheque - the Local Archives of the Municipalities
Vlatka Lemić  1  , Alexander Schatek  2  
1 : ICARUS Croatia / University of Zagreb
2 : Topothek



Topotheque is a low threshold database, mostly used by municipalities for historic documentation. It serves as a basic digital archive for quick search. The findability of the content (Images, Videos, Audios) is by tag, by time sliders and by location on the map, on which the entries can be found by encircling the place of interest. The work to set up and maintain a Topotheque is usually done by Citizen Scienctist, so that costs of building up the local Topotheque are low. Local volunteers have the communication links to the residents and such the path to private findings. Involvement of the public creates a lot of attention and such improves the awareness of local history.

Currently there are more than 400 Topotheques in several countries active and freely accessible. The number of entries exceeded 1.1 Million. 


In the workshop we will see

- how far Citizen Science work has gotten

- what obstacles to expect

- what functions are offerde

- how to work in a Topotheque

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